Inspired By Me

Who inspires you this IWD week? 

Having decided that break the bias is a call to action to allies to pick up the slack, I’m focusing the women part on celebrating inspiring women.

So who inspires me?

My answer is me. 

And no. I don’t fear I sound like an egomaniac by telling you. 

I know it not to be true. I am no egomaniac.

I’m no more special or unique than how special and unique you are. Flawed, humble, impressive, weak and strong. Funny. Cringey. Wrong. Right. Learning. Learned.

To be inspired is to be moved by someone who motivates and energizes you. They create a feeling in you that make you want to act. To make something happen, be a certain way.

Developing the Be Braver mindset has given me the absolute clarity on who I am, what I stand for. What problems I want to solve in the world. What meaning I want my life to have and how I want to go about doing it.

It gave me the confidence and self belief to be brave enough to have fun being me.

I’m inspired by the limits of my own potential every day, motivated and bursting with ideas and energy for the inordinate amount of things I want to do and experience. Of how I want to be. Of what I’m capable of becoming.

I’ve been inspired by women along the way of course. The Pankhursts of course and, I recognise courage, strength and beauty in every human being. Yet if your own life does not inspire you how will you find the self determination to create it the way you intend it to be?

Being you on purpose is the most inspiring way to be.

Maya Angelou says success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.

Don’t be inspired by the success of someone else. Be inspired by your own. Be proud of being you. Choose courage. Choose you.